Tuesdays: 7:00-9:00PM -- Isaiah
Thurs: 9:30-11:00AM -- Hebrews
Thurs: 7:00 - 9:00PM -- Hebrews
1st and 3rd Saturdays
LIft up our every area of our lives and community. to the Lord in prayer
Saturday, Feb. 22, 8-9:45 AM
We will continue our study of Fruit of the Spirit. This month we will focus on Goodness.
Shouldn’t church be a place where you know the names of the people sitting next to you? Shouldn’t worship be more than passively watching a performance? Aren’t relationships at church meant to be transformational? Shouldn’t the messages be more than motivational pep-talks but truth from God’s word? Wasn’t Church meant to be a spiritual home?
At Potomac Baptist Church we believe the answer is “YES!” Please join us this Sunday on this journey of faith and experience the amazing grace of Jesus Christ!
These are the four main purposes of our body of believers. They are the reasons behind all that we do within our church and our community.