Joel and Elaine Loewen have served in Japan with SEND International for 30 years.
Fourteen of those years were spent planting a new church in Yokohama. Then for seven years they discipled believers in an established church in Tokyo. The devastation of the triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami and nuclear meltdown) of March 11, 2011, brought about many new opportunities for evangelism and church planting in the northeast part of the country. Without the disaster, SEND would very likely not have considered working there. It is, however, the most unreached, unchurched area in the country.
As a result of the triple disaster, Joel and Elaine’s present ministry assignment is church planting in northeast Japan. They are working together with a Japanese pastor and his wife who started a church after the disaster. In addition to leading the music on Sunday mornings, the Loewens teach English conversation classes and seek out opportunities to be involved in the community in order to introduce the Japanese people to Jesus. Elaine also serves as the Personnel and Member Care Coordinator for SEND missionaries in Japan.
Potomac Baptist Church has a very special connection with the Loewen’s family. Elaine’s sister, Coleen, is a member of PBC, faithfully playing the organ every Sunday.
For more information about the Lowen’s family and SEND International, please visit their websites.